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Online Internet Marketing

When thinking about online internet marketing try to approach it in a way by that you are not selling a product or service but rather yourself. If you make your on-line presence memorable, chances are you will find selling your product or article a lot easier.

Some basic tips for online internet marketing:
  1. Set up a website that appeals to your audience. Keep it simple. The more stuff you cram into your website the more overwhelming you are making it. If your site is easy to use people will be more inclined to re-visit. If you are not sure how to approach this it may be more viable to employ a professional to design and install your website.

  2. Be sure to make an easy way for your customers to buy your services or product, allow them to ask questions. Your website may be full of relevant information about your product or service but if there is no noticeable way to buy or at least order from you, you will be missing out on a good portion of your online business.

  3. A blog serves many purposes and is a great online internet marketing tool. It is inexpensive, possibly free and it is a fantastic way to get a good amount of information out to your customer base. By posting short articles on your product or service, including key words relevant to that product or service, you will keep the interests of your customer.

  4. Enhance and draw potential customers to your website through twitter.com. In theory the more people you draw to your website the more possibility there is to generate sales. People who visit your twitter page will click through to your website. This increases exposure and sales.

  5. Another great tool for online internet marketing is social media network sites. These work in the same way that twitter does. They function similar to small marketing sites and draw people directly to your website as twitter does but they also draw customers in indirectly. You get to know a group of people and they get to know you. They are apt to refer someone to you or your site.

  6. Electronic newsletters are another way online internet marketing can work for you and your business. From the minute you start gaining customers, collect their e-mail addresses and periodically send out newsletters containing valuable information about your services. Ask opinions, or for suggestions on how you can service them more effectively. By communicating with your customers in this way you will not only build your business but you will ensure customer loyalty.

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