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Using Podcast Infomercials for your Internet Online Marketing

Internet online marketing has taken a new face lately and it's not about page views or reading articles but about listening to Internet advertisements using podcast infomercials.

Today, podcasts include almost all mobile phones and not just iPods, for as long as it is capable of downloading different Internet medium. Internet online marketing is no longer a simple matter of viewing the PC monitor with texts and graphics but also about mobile devices that can access the Internet facilities.

How is Internet Online Marketing Carried out through Podcasts?

Internet online marketing campaign through podcasts is similar to advertising through radio shows. A business will sponsor a particular podcast in exchange for airtime that will allow the promotion of its product. These are by way of commercials rolled either before or after the show starts.

Sponsoring a podcast will also mean getting your business or product mentioned by the podcaster during the show, usually as a form of testimonial.

Another way is by interviewing the business owners, or top business leaders, people with expertise, or any Internet community persona, who has the credibility to discuss business or product issues. Your product's or service's type of podcast exposure will all depend on the value of airtime sponsorship you paid for.

Collectively, these forms of Internet online marketing tool is known as infomercials

How Do Infomercials Work as Tools for Internet Online Marketing?

Podcasts take the place of a website in mobile devices and infomercials are used in lieu of articles. Since it is still Internet based, the same pattern of procedures is followed. Here's a closer look:
  1. Just like websites, podcasts are also submitted to directories and the degree of infomercial exposure will depend on how the podcast directory ranks in search results. Their web visibility will also be influenced by search engine mechanisms, but not directly as a podcast item but based on the directory it belongs to.

  2. Websites will also be useful in promoting the podcast show. Some make use of syndication links where the show and the infomercial can be viewed on sites, where there are available audio and video feeds. Hence, your Internet online marketing infomercials will reach wider coverage, without necessarily limiting its exposure to the use of mobile devices.

  3. Other Internet marketing tools like email marketing, social book marking sites and press releases are also used for promotions. In fact in some cases, the press release is used as infomercial content.

  4. The measure of effectiveness will be determined by the number of downloads, or visit to the websites or landing page. The number of phone calls is also an indicator of interactive participation similar to radio shows and website forums or chat rooms.
As in every Internet online marketing strategy, the most desirable response or measure of effectiveness is the resulting yield in terms of sale. This means the podcast listener responded to the "call for action" message carried by the podcast infomercials.

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