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Instant Cash Copy - www.instantcashcopy.com

You have your idea; you have your homepage; you even have your product lined up and ready to go! So what's missing? MARKETING! There are many marketing strategies and products online, and Instant Cash Copy is competing for your attention. Check out their website and start power selling today!

According to the website, Instant Cash Copy boasts the following features and benefits:

  • REVEALED! 5 Little Known Secrets To Get Your Sales Taking Off Like A 747.

  • The Killer Questions You Can Use To Get Your Prospects ‘Over The Line' … And Handing You Their Cash On A Plate.

  • The Truth About Your “USP” And How To Use It To Make You Millions.

  • The “Little” Technique That Will Catapult Your Sales Into Overdrive.

  • How To Make Tens Of Thousands On Dollars On The Internet.

  • How To Advertise Your Product Or Service Absolutely Free.

  • How To Use Publicity To Get You Coverage Without The Price Tag.

There are many testimonials provided on the website to attest to the quality of this product. The following is an example of an actual testimonial taken from the website:

“I've been trying to write my own copy for a long time. To be honest, I'm a bit embarrassed. I thought I was pretty good. But I had NO idea of what I was missing until I ordered Dan's Instant Cash Copy. I was totally blown away with not only the huge amount of samples - but every sample was YOU oriented instead of me or I oriented. I knew copy should be client directed but I sometimes fail to remember this technique. Dan's product brought me back to the correct approach. Dan's Instant Cash Copy is all You, You, You - the way copy should be written.
I highly recommend Dan's Instant Cash Copy. First, it is power-packed with ideas and samples. Second, it allows you to tell your own story as well. You don't need a $5,000 per letter sales copywriter to tell your own story. Third, Dan's information product is extremely affordable not even taking the bonuses into consideration, which were mind-blowing in their own right. Simply put, BUY Dan Lok's Instant Cash Copy. Only a fool would ignore this."

For a one-time fee of $49.95, you can gain instant access and begin using this product today.

If this sounds like an offer that might interest you, please click on this link http://www.instantcashcopy.com/
and check out the website.

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Comments for Instant Cash Copy - www.instantcashcopy.com

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Nov 03, 2008
by: Ereview


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