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Ten Business Marketing Online Web Strategies in a Nutshell

As you go about researching information on how you can promote your site and your online business, you will read about all sorts of Internet marketing tips and strategies. Now here are the most popular business marketing online web strategies being used today, in a nutshell:

1. Search Engine Optimization

Still the easiest favorite among all business marketing online web strategies but since there are a million web sites all vying for recognition to be at the top page search results, this particular web technique still remains an "elusive dream" to most online marketers.

How about skipping to the next business marketing online web strategy, where you could probably make some good progress?

2. SEM or Search Engine Marketing

Well, this refers to the traditional Google Adwords and Adsense. If you're new in the Internet business and still have to scrounge up some funds just to keep your business marketing online web moving, there are sites that offer free Search Engine Marketing advertising. The difference between the free and the paid is the amount of exposure you will get. For free, your URL can be submitted to 20 Search Engine sites but if you'll pay a certain fee, you can link to as much as 300 sites.

3. Issue Press Release

Send out as many press releases as you can as a business marketing online web figure. Issue a newsworthy press release. You may have been cited by an Internet award-giving body / Internet award rating service; or any real world activity your business achieved, a partnership deal, make a nice donation, sponsor a local event, etc.

4. Publish contents

Publish by using other media: pod casts, be a guest contributor to related sites, create some interesting "Youtube" video materials. Think outside of 101 tutorials and watch what others do but don't imitate; innovate your own business marketing online web ideas.

5. Freebies

Don't limit your freebies to eBooks, not all your viewers are bookworms. Offer discount coupons, or privileges, or product samples.

6. Affiliate Programs

If you can't afford the range of commission rates at Affiliate Networks, offer your members or customers incentive commissions based on what you can afford to pay out.

7. Social Networking

No money to spend for advertising? Spend your time instead by doing some socializing in social network sites. Make friends, build relationships; what you aim to do here is to find their likes, their preferences, their buying habits as your business marketing online web leads.

8. Customer Service

Follow up on customers who have been inactive, ask for feedback on new product buyers, and attend to customer complaints. Make customers feel that you're interested in their satisfaction not just their money.

9. Reviews

Check out user reviews; if you find a complainant barking on a competitor's product, post a comment, make friends and find out what seems to be the problem, offer help but don't offer your product just yet. Be intuitive about proper timing.

10. Forums, Blogs

Post comments, blogs, and contribute answers to forums belonging to top ranking sites. Maker sure you're not going to come out as spam-like or after to promote your product to the readers.

These are the most popular business marketing online web strategies as of this date. However, with the way Internet keeps on adding more and more features through technology development or net creativity, some new marketing strategies may be added while others that no longer produce effective results may be stricken off at some later date.

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